Are you thinking about how to make money on Alright. I am a professional freelancer working for the past 7 years. Therefore, I can guide you about complete strategies, processes, and of course how to make money online. However, taking a complete guide from a person who is already working and know about all the ups and downs to make money on Freelancer is a good idea.
Hence, don’t overthink how freelancers will work online. Or is it safe to work on freelancer? And why I am giving you instructions about freelance? If you want to understand all these ideas and many more. Then you are good to go.
Make money on Freelancer
Before understanding how to make money on freelancer. It is better to understand, why it is better to have a Freelancer mindset. Since freelancing easy, quite interested, tricky, and at the same time difficult working and doing any project. Therefore, before jumping straight into the Freelancing website. You must make your mind about freelancing that why it works.
Freelancing is not for lazy people. Therefore, you must mentally and physically be ready and make your mind for freelancing. Otherwise, You will face the consequences which you haven’t thought of.
Make money on Freelancer
Just watch this video to get a simple basic idea about how freelancer works for beginners.
What are the challenges of the Freelancer?

How to make money on Freelancer
There are many challenges for the freelancer. Because freelancing is not as easy as it seems to be. There are many hurdles. Which you have to crop time by time to optimize your activities and earning. For example, a freelancer is the one who is the boss of himself. Sounds good right! But wait. Have you ever think of the boss. Further, a boss who is yourself. That is the time when you are proud of yourself. But you are making a big mistake in which you don’t see its perspective.
Now let me make you clear one thing. Freelancers have much time. Specially they work from home. Therefore, you have to control all the home base activities and find out the time for the freelance which is quite difficult. Especially nowadays. Where you have every gadget for your destruction. Therefore, you have all the time for your family members. Who will take you off from your work?
On the contrary, when you are working as an employer. Then you have fixed time to work on a special job. Therefore, you have to complete your targeted task. otherwise, you have no other option to run away. Similarly, a person who is an employer always completes the work on a daily basis on time.
Believe yourself to be a Freelancer
Don’t be disappoint. Everything will be easy with smart work and hard work. One day you will see yourself a shining star where everyone will follow you and make you a role model. This is what we all work for. And with deep desire, determination, and motivation we achieve the trump after paramount hurdler. Therefore, you have to believe in yourself. That you will be a hero one day. Change your everyday life and focus on your success. Further, make clear target and plaining and start working on your aim until you will not get 100 percent result
Freelancer for Beginners
Freelancing is one of the best platforms for earning and making money. However, first, you have to understand about the structure of Then we will go one by one to optimize your earning and obtaining more projects.
Freelancer Course: Ultimate Guide to Freelance
Basic Structure of Freelancer is a big platform. Therefore, it covers all the spect of freelancers. That is also a basic necessity of any freelancing website for giving the best customer value. Therefore, once you will join freelancer. Then you may not move to any other platform for extra services. Because you will find everything in a single website. has mainly two categories for freelancers. Firstly, there is a project. Where the client post all details about the project and the freelancers will bid on the project according to their skills. Therefore, a client will check and shortlist the freelancers. After some basic communication through chat client award a freelancer, if they both agree about the project.
Moreover, for a freelancer, there are many available options while bidding on any project. For example, you must write about the project price, duration, and description.
a. Make money on Freelancer with Project
There is no clear role in getting the project. However, I have successfully completed more than hundreds of projects in And also with five start reviews which is a challenging part of freelancers. Don’t worry, I will example about how to get five start reviews in freelancers.
From my experience. I have found a different role in getting the project. Let’s go one by one through all those.
1. Deadline of your project
There are many projects, I have been award due to time hack. For example, someone needs the project to be completed on an urgent basis. Therefore, you have to write in This project will be delivered in section Zero. Which means you are going to complete the project today without wasting time. That is where the chances of getting an award will increase.
Further, You should also write in the description of your project about the duration. For example, you have to write “I will start right now and complete your project as soon as possible”.
2. The best price of a project
Some clients are very conscious of the price of the project. Therefore, they are very clear about the price. The will also give you information about the price in the description of the project as well. This means that you have not to bid if you are not comfortable with the price. This where you have to target the price of the project according to client requirements. Then your chances of getting and awarding the project will increase.
3. The requirement of the project
Similarly, before bidding in any project. You have to read all the details for the client. It is very important to know what the client is looking for. Therefore, you have to write all the required keywords from the description in the details of your bid. Because when a client will see your bid detail he should find out at least you have read the project.
4. Bid as fast as possible
Competition is very high in Therefore, you will see whenever a project will appear. Within a few minutes, there will be 30 to 50 bidders on the project already. Therefore, it is difficult for the client to see each bid. It means you have to bid as quickly as possible. at least the client may see your bid.
b. Make money on freelancer with Contest
Similarly, the contest is one of the best parts of I like the contest the most. Because my career starts after winning my first contest and getting 5-star positive reviews.
What is the contest in a freelancer? You have to understand the contest thoroughly. Because with the help of a contest you can make much more money as you may think. Also, the contest is easy to work on and make money.
In, every day there opens many contests. Where freelancer a participate. Further, the client will choose the best freelancer according to design and award the project and money. Therefore, you will like the contest because everything is clear and the client will also provide feedback until he won’t receive the required design.
What is important to win the contest
There are many factors that are responsible for the winning of the contest. I explain each as follows.
1. Understand the Contest to make money on freelancer
Whenever you are going to participate in any contest. First, you have to read and understand the contest completely. Therefore, you have to read the brief thoroughly. Further, you have to note down the important point where you are going to work on that.
2. Research
Now you have a collection of data for the contest on which you are going to work. Therefore, you have to research more and more and find out the ideas. But remember you should not copy the idea. However, you have to make the idea out of the box from your imagination. Where you will stand-out from all the contestants and win the contest.
3- Representation
Since I was working on a freelancer as a graphic designer. Therefore I was trying to represent my design in such a way that it turns out amazingly. Most of the time only my representation won me many contests. For example, I used 3d logo mockups for my design to turn it more realistic and beautiful.
4- Explanation
Some time it is very hard for a client to understand your design or concept. Therefore whenever you are going to upload your design in a contest, you must try comprehensive details and explanation for your design. Your design description will increase to win the contest dramatically. Therefore, don’t ignore it.
5- Guaranteed contest
Remember to check the contest if it is guaranteed or not. Because, if the contest is guaranteed then the contest holder will choose a winner 100 percent. If contest if not guaranteed then contest holder may not choose any winner. Therefore, you have to use your intelligence and understand the system completely.
Freelancer scams and how to spot them
Online business and jobs are untrustworthy. Most of the people think. Maybe they are right. Or maybe they are wrong. However, freelancing is one of the largest platforms. Therefore, you will find many scammers. Therefore, you have to spot them.
There are many types of scams in freelancers which I will discuss below.
1. Scam to make money on freelancer
Mostly scammer targets new freelancers. Because they don’t know much about the freelance and how freelancer works. Therefore, new freelancers are easy to target. If you are new, you must understand freelance and all it rule and regulation. Then you will be saved from the scammers.
2- Client ask for Money
Similarly, new freelancers are asked to deposit money on a client bank account. Which is completely against the freelancer role. The scammer makes a very strong statement that it is a security fee. However, in freelancer, there is no concept of security fee. If a client asks for security free. Then you must understand that its fake and scammer.
3- Fake Project Awarding
Sometimes when a new freelancer bid on any project. then don’t remember to create a milestone. Further, the scammer will award the project to the freelancer. However, when a freelancer will accept the project. Then freelancers will find the balance will show negative. Further, the client will not respond to any message or may block you. Therefore, whenever, you are going to bid on any project after awarding, you have to ask for a milestone. Until the client won’t create a milestone, you shouldn’t accept the project.
Freelancing is an amazing way of working online and to make money on freelancer. With great intelligence and hard work, you can earn handsome money. However, you must be determined and work consistently to achieve your goal. further, learn to spot the right client to work with. Then no one will stop you from success.
However, if you have any questions and want to ask something don’t hesitate to ask in the comment box below. Thank you.
very important..i am a beginner of freelance. i have solve out many problems after reading this article.
thanks to you