In this article, you will learn How to Change Video Thumbnail on Facebook and Custom Thumbnail 2018. As a matter of fact, you already know that Facebook is one of the top social media networking website. Not to mention, most of the video marketer and blogger use to drive traffic from Facebook to the website. Therefore, they make videos to promote various products, book, and articles. moreover, it is in the nature of human that appealing picture and videos attract more. Although this may be true, to attract most of the people towards particular video they use custom appealing thumbnails. About all, people don’t know how to change the thumbnail of video on Facebook. After all, just follow these steps and you will easily change the thumbnail of your video.
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Custom Thumbnail on Facebook
Custom Thumbnail Facebook
Here are steps by steps setting where you can change video thumbnail on Facebook.
Step 1. Log in to your Facebook account.
Step 2. Go to the Facebook Page in which you are going to upload the video. On the right side under the page logo. There is a menu with buttons. for example Home, Posts, Videos, Photos, About and Community etc. You have click on the Videos.
Step 3. Go to All Videos section. There is a button called +Add Video click on that. Upload the video and you will see a section of the thumbnail. Just click on it and upload an image which you want. It will be the thumbnail for your video.
Moreover, the custom thumbnail will drive on traffic to your website, video, product or article dramatically. Therefore, most of the content marketer believe that. while uploading the video you have to add a custom thumbnail. Either it is YouTube or Facebook platform.
I hope you learned how to add a custom thumbnail to video. Again, if you have any problem or feedback, write it in the comment box below. Thank you.